Welcome to House Kheperu

House Kheperu is an eclectic spiritual society dedicated to balance, education, and transformation. We see ourselves as a wisdom tradition, and our function in the community is to research and safeguard metaphysical knowledge as well as to pass this on to those who may benefit from it.

Our teachings are not reserved exclusively for our membership, and there is no need to join the House simply because you want to learn from us.


Monthly Newsletter

Want to stay up to date on all that is going on with House Kheperu? You’re in luck! We are taking our Midnight Sun newsletter to new and exciting places. The newsletter will include: important Gather updates, articles, research, art, and so much more. The newsletter issues monthly, so you won’t have to worry about inbox spam from us! Go ahead and subscribe! What do you have to lose?

The Kheprian Practice

As we are a wisdom tradition, we feel it is our duty to share what we know. This website is just one of the methods we use to share our knowledge, and we offer it freely to all.

As you use this resource, please do not make the mistake of assuming that ours is the “only right way”. There are many different perspectives on magick, metaphysics, and energy work. Ours is just one.

Metaphysics is a vast and complicated subject, and you need to approach your research as objectively as possible. We have yet to encounter a system that has all the answers, and that includes the one presented on this site. We acknowledge our limitations, and you should be aware of this: everything you will read here is a working hypothesis, and as we gain more insight or new information, some things may be changed. We are the House of Transformation, after all, and that means that we don’t pick one doctrine and get stuck in it. Our beliefs and our teachings grow, evolve, and adapt over time, as we feel everything should.

Go through the site, read, and enjoy what you find here. Compare our ideas to your own beliefs and experiences, and decide what is right for you. You may agree with everything here, and you may agree with nothing at all. Above all, we ask that you seek your own truth, then have the wisdom to know it when it is found.

- The Members of House Kheperu


We take our name from an ancient Egyptian word that means “to transform, to change, to become.” We see our spiritual path as a process of transformation wherein we awaken to deeper and deeper truths about our own nature, and the nature of the universe we exist in. In embodying and balancing these truths in ourselves, we then become catalysts that facilitate the same process of transformation in the world around us. We are advocates of both tolerance and diversity. In looking within ourselves, we cannot help but realize that individuals are exceedingly complex, so we feel it is both facile and naïve to assume that one doctrine of belief can somehow answer all questions for all people.

As teachers and wisdom-keepers, we do not seek to recruit any to our path. Instead, help those we instruct to explore many different ideas, beliefs, and practices, so they may ultimately discover the path that is most right for them.

As we are dedicated to change, so we are dedicated to balance. We have a spiritual imperative to look within ourselves and accept whatever truth is there, then to balance this inherent nature with our personal ideals. As a result, we each embody a complex diversity of attitudes, qualities, preferences, and beliefs. Each member is a union of opposites, a dynamic microcosm that embodies varying shades of male and female, young and old, dark and light, secular and sacred.

House Kheperu is not a religion, nor is it intended to be. Each member is encouraged to search for and define their own spiritual path, hence our motto, “Seek Your Own Truth.”